The Environmental Benefits of Recycling Pallets

It's no secret that sustainability is a key concern for businesses across every industry. Finding eco-friendly solutions that not only reduce the environmental footprint but also improve operational efficiency is a universal priority. However, one often overlooked aspect of supply chain sustainability is pallets.

The humble pallet plays a crucial role in logistics and the distribution of goods, but did you know that pallets can also be environmentally friendly? In this blog, we'll explore the recyclable qualities of both wooden and plastic pallets as well as how they can contribute to a greener supply chain, whether that's sea freight, air freight, or road freight.

The pallet dilemma

Pallets are one of the unsung heroes of the global supply chain. They come in various materials, but the two most common types are wooden and plastic pallets. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, but when it comes to sustainability, recyclability is an important factor.

Wooden pallets: A natural, affordable choice

Wooden pallets have been the go-to choice for decades due to their widespread availability and affordability. But what makes wooden pallets an environmentally friendly option?

1. Biodegradability

One of the key benefits of wooden pallets is their natural biodegradability. When a wooden pallet reaches the end of its lifecycle and is no longer suitable for use, it can be easily recycled or composted. This minimises waste and reduces the burden on landfills.

2. Renewable resource

Wood is a renewable resource, which means it can be replenished through sustainable forestry practices. Responsible sourcing of wood for pallet production ensures that forests are maintained and even expanded, helping to combat deforestation and its associated environmental impacts.

3. Energy-efficient production

Compared to the energy-intensive manufacturing processes of plastic pallets, wooden pallets require relatively low energy for production. This energy efficiency reduces the overall carbon footprint of wooden pallets.

Plastic pallets: The durable alternative

Plastic pallets have gained popularity in the industry due to their durability and longevity. But are they recyclable, and can they contribute to a sustainable supply chain?

1. Recyclability

Plastic pallets are indeed recyclable. The recycling process usually sees a plastic pallet be ground down into granules, melted down and injected into a mould to create a new, different product. This helps to keep broken pallets from being thrown directly into landfill.

2. Extended lifespan

One of the key environmental advantages of plastic pallets is their durability. They can withstand a significantly larger number of trips and handling cycles compared to wooden pallets. This longevity reduces the need for frequent replacements, ultimately leading to less waste.

3. Reduced maintenance

Plastic pallets are resistant to moisture, pests, and various chemicals, which means they require less maintenance and are less likely to be damaged during transit. Ultimately, a plastic pallet requires far less upkeep than a wood alternative.

Recycling wooden pallets

Recycling wooden pallets is a relatively straightforward process that contributes to sustainability in several ways:

1. Reuse and repair

The first step in recycling wooden pallets is to assess their condition. Pallets that are slightly damaged can often be repaired and put back into service. This prolongs their lifespan and reduces the need for an entirely new pallet production.

To get the most out of your wooden pallets, read our rules for stacking pallets.

2. Grinding and chipping

When wooden pallets reach the end of their usable life, they can be ground or chipped into wood fibre. This material can then be used for various applications, including:

- Mulch: Wood chips can be used as mulch in landscaping and gardening, helping to retain moisture in soil and prevent weed growth.

- Particleboard: Wood fibre can be compressed and used in the production of particleboard, a versatile construction material.

- Bioenergy: In some cases, wood chips are used as a renewable source of bioenergy through processes like wood pellet production.

3. Composting

If the wooden pallets are untreated and free from contaminants, they can be composted. This process helps return organic matter to the soil, enriching it with nutrients and enhancing its ability to support plant growth.

4. Biomass fuel

Wooden pallets that cannot be recycled or composted can be used as biomass fuel. They can be burned in specially designed biomass power plants to generate electricity or heat, providing a sustainable energy source.

Recycling wooden pallets not only reduces waste but also contributes to the circular economy by repurposing materials for various applications.

Recycling plastic pallets

Recycling plastic pallets involves a different set of processes due to the nature of plastic materials:

1. Sorting

Plastic pallets need to be sorted based on their type of plastic. This step is crucial because different types of plastic require different recycling processes.

2. Shredding

Once sorted, plastic pallets are shredded into small pieces. This increases their surface area and makes them easier to melt down and process.

3. Melting and reformation

The shredded plastic is melted and reformed into a range of various products. Usually, the purpose of the new product will be much less vigorous and intense than pallet use. This is because pallet loses strength when recycled.

4. Downcycling

Downcycling is the process of recycling plastic into a new, less demanding form. As mentioned, plastic loses strength and degrades with each round of recycling. Therefore, to make the most out of plastic, it must be downcycled to get further use from it.

Downcycling plays an important role in recycling as it means that new products can be created without the need for new raw materials. Ultimately, while recycled plastic pallets might not become brand-new pallets, they will go on to be used for less intensive applications such as plastic lumber or containers.

The role of sustainable practices

Recycling wooden and plastic pallets is just one aspect of a sustainable supply chain. To maximise the environmental benefits, businesses can adopt the following practices:

1. Efficient transportation

Efficient transportation and logistics planning can reduce the number of pallets needed and minimise the environmental impact of shipping and distribution.

2. Pallet pooling

Consider pallet pooling services that allow you to share pallets with other businesses. This reduces the overall demand for new pallets and promotes reuse.

3. Eco-friendly materials

Whether you're shipping with wooden or plastic pallets, take peace of mind in the fact that the product you are using has further uses - even after shipping. It is essential for all businesses to play their part in recycling responsibly.


In the pursuit of a more sustainable supply chain, businesses should not overlook the environmental impact of their pallet choices. Both wooden and plastic pallets can be recyclable and contribute to a greener, more circular economy.

Wooden pallets, with their natural biodegradability and renewable sourcing, offer a green alternative that can be recycled, composted, or repurposed in various ways.

Plastic pallets, while durable, can also be recycled into new products, extending their lifecycle and reducing waste. It's crucial to select the right type of plastic pallets and ensure they are properly recycled to maximise their sustainability.

By incorporating responsible sourcing, efficient logistics, and eco-friendly materials into your pallet management strategy, you can make a positive impact on both your business's bottom line and the environment. Choosing recyclable pallets is a small step that can lead to significant long-term benefits for your company and the planet.

If you're looking for a top-quality, communicative and trustworthy pallet shipping company, then get an instant quote and choose Pallet2Ship for your shipping needs.